

2015-02-04 27 Dailymotion

PAINTINGS FROM NEW YORK 1999: THE DUALITY SERIES, is presenting a Miscellaneous selection of a new series of small works on paper: Duality, monotype and 6 editions of 6 prints, acrylic hand silkscreened on Serishi paper, 28 x 25 cm. About the work : "The erotic image never leaves us indifferent; it has a role and a function, hence its attraction, its violence, its perversity. It directly touches the spectator's soul. The libido represents both freedom and obligation: freedom to act as an individual and obligation to reproduce as a species. Art and Eroticism stand in opposition to society organized around work, thus becoming sulfurous, taboo. The more societies work, the less individuals achieve emotional and sexual climax, and this imbalance lodges itself between conscious reality and subconscious aspiration..."
This body of art works have been completed at the Long Island City (queens, NY) artist's studio, were Jean-Pierre lived between 1995 and 2003.

This new video series of Corpus-Archives, realized in February 2015, aims to present to the large public a selection of about twenty still images of paintings or art works, completed at several different studios locations where Jean-Pierre Sergent lived in during his artistic career. Places like his former farm in France, his different studios in Montreal, Canada, and in Brooklyn, Chelsea and Long island City in New York, to finally show the work he is currently doing nowadays in his new studio in Besançon, East of France.

JEAN-PIERRE SERGENT is a French-American artist, he developed his repertory of artistic forms in the United States and continues to work and exhibit regularly in France and the rest of Europe. He recently exhibited at two solo exhibitions in major French museums: the Musée des Beaux-Arts of Mulhouse in 2011 and the Courbet Farm of Flagey in 2102. In 2013, he had two solo shows, one of large works on paper: "Sex & Rituals" at the Omnibus Gallery of Besançon, France, and the other: "Cultures-Energies", at the Kunstpalais in Badenweiler, Germany. To learn more about Je-Pieanrre Sergent's works, please visit his webpage: http://www.j-psergent.com, and also like his Facebook artist page: https://www.facebook.com/jpsergentartist